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martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Eerie figure snapped in Old Melbourne Gaol

Is someone lurking in the dark ? Image Credit: E-mail submission

A visitor to the reportedly haunted 19th century prison managed to capture an unusual figure on camera.

 One of Australia's best known prisons, the Old Melbourne Goal housed some of the country's most notorious criminals. Built in 1839, the prison is now a museum where visitors can come to explore what the place might have been like in its heyday.

 One recent visitor however found a little more than she was expecting when she took a photograph in one of cell blocks which contained a mannequin and a selection of equipment that would have been used during the executions.

There had been nobody else around at the time. "If you have a look to the right of the photo you can see my reflection," she wrote.

 "Right behind on top of my head to the right, it appears as if someone was standing behind me, but as I said I was alone, and if I knew that there was someone there then I would have shifted aside."

"I tried to look in between my feet in the photo to see if there were any legs belonging to that head-like figure behind me but I cannot see any," she added. "I did not feel any shifts in temperatures but I did feel extremely nauseous and sadness for the entire duration I was on the second and third level of cell blocks. My partner too had also felt nauseous but that was all that he felt."

source and credit to unexplained-mysteries.com

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